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Double Pipe Clamps
Center Mounting Hole
Vinyl Coated 0.032 thick (Temp 180ºF for up to 2,000 hrs and 300ºF for over 2 hrs)
Clamping Diameters range from .375" to 1.00"
Bolt Hole Diameters include 0.281", 0.343", 0.406"
Materials/finishes available include G90 galvanized steel and zinc clear
Call for pricing.

CMV Clamps - Photo
Unit of Measure
Items CMV Clamps - Photo
Double Pipe Clamps
CMV Clamps - Photo
Double Pipe Clamps
CMV Clamps - Photo
Double Pipe Clamps
CMV Clamps - Photo
Double Pipe Clamps
CMV Clamps - Photo
Double Pipe Clamps
Clamping Diameter (D) N/A 0.375" N/A 0.375 " N/A 0.437 " N/A 0.437 " N/A 0.500 "
Hole Diameter (H) ±.005 N/A 0.281" N/A 0.343 " N/A 0.281 " N/A 0.343 " N/A 0.281 "
Width (W) ±.010 N/A 0.750" N/A 0.750 " N/A 0.750 " N/A 0.750 " N/A 0.750 "
Center To Center (L) ±.031 N/A 0.687" N/A 0.687 " N/A 0.812 " N/A 0.812 " N/A 0.875 "
Material Thickness (T) N/A 0.048" N/A 0.048 " N/A 0.060 " N/A 0.060 " N/A 0.060 "
Base to Top of Radius (B) ±.015 N/A 0.375" N/A 0.375 " N/A 0.437 " N/A 0.437 " N/A 0.468 "
Closure (C) ±.015 N/A 0.343" N/A 0.343 " N/A 0.250 " N/A 0.250 " N/A 0.400 "